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Lenda arturiana: Cavaleiros, Reis e Reinos

Merlin, o magnífico Cavaleiros da Távola Redonda, lutador de espadas e corajoso Reis, são apenas algumas das razões pelas quais não conseguimos nos fartar das narrativas da Lenda Arturiana em nossos jogos.


Quando se trata da Lenda Arturiana, há uma infinidade de histórias para se aprofundar e não importa quantas vezes essas histórias sejam contadas, recontadas e contadas novamente, elas continuam a nos manter à beira de nossas cadeiras.

Cavaleiros cavalheirescos de espada, reis corajosos e reinos encantados, para não mencionar algumas das maiores histórias de amor já contadas, basta ir ao cinema para testemunhar um épico do Rei Artur ou folhear a TV para ver uma série baseada em Merlin, um dos feiticeiros mais famosos do mundo (vemos você Gandalf e Dumbledore, você também está lá em cima).


One of the most famous kings in the world of fiction, King Arthur will always be known as the man worthy of pulling the sword from the stone and claiming the holy grail. And with The Sword and the Grail in hand, King Arthur is crowned to rule Camelot and protect the Diamonds of the Realm alongside his Queen, Guinevere. Maybe we'll save the epic love triangle between himself, Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot for another day.

Speaking of, Sir Lancelot has to be one of the most famous knights of the round table, right? Known for his chivalry, courage and elite sword-fighting skills. And when he wasn’t trying to woo the Queen you could find him in other kingdoms trying to win the hearts of other princesses, much like Princess Elaine in 15 Crystal Roses: A Tale of Love. Although according to legends this pair wasn't quite as loved up as they seem...

Love and magic play a huge part in our Arthurian Legend series, and when we think of magic we of course think, Merlin. When we picture Merlin, we see a bearded wizard with a brow furrowed with wisdom, but this wasn’t always the case. In his youth as a cocky young druid, Merlin wasn’t alone casting spells in his tower, oh no, he had quite the friendship with Vivian, better known as The Lady of the Lake. Although there may have been more than friendship between this mystical pair, their stories eventually take on different chapters.

But Vivian wasn’t the only woman in Merlin’s life, there was his apprentice, sister of the King, Morgana. Feisty and powerful, Morgana’s narrative takes a darker route as she succumbs to jealousy after witnessing the crowning of her brother King Arthur. A coldness seizes her, turning her heart to ice which even her former mentor and friend cannot thaw.

Like other works of fiction, Arthurian Legend isn’t shy of villains, Morgana is just one of them. But one of the most famous has to be The Green Knight, a perplexing character known for his green aesthetic and ghostly appearance. A piece of friendly advice? If he challenges you to a duel, turn the other way.


E onde você vai encontrar essa coleção de personagens coloridos? O Reino de Camelot. Lar do Rei Artur, os Cavaleiros da Távola Redonda e a torre de Merlin. Rodeados por uma variedade de florestas encantadas e às vezes apenas sinistras, que jogam em casa com tesouros lendários e ornamentos amaldiçoados que esperam para serem descobertos por um cavaleiro corajoso ou um rei corajoso.

Fome de mais?

Se você não consegue se fartar de nossa série Arthurian Legend, há muito mais sagas para mergulhar.




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